@Vibe_JixiГод назад +33
Everyone Gangsta Untill Bedwars Nerf The Yuzi Kit 💀☠️
Edit: I Just Posted This Comment 7min Ago Thanks For The Likes@bryo328Год назад +3
Bro what you mean it already got nerfed like 3 times
@Vibe_JixiГод назад +1
@@bryo328 Ik But Write After Foltyn Used It Where He Dosent Want To Use It Anymore There Gonna Troll Him 😂
@Vibe_JixiГод назад +1
@Suiiiiiiii34LOL 😂
@RealVoxelГод назад +1
@@Vibe_Jixiyou will never receive as many likes as me L KID
@helencolomb6114Год назад
@Voidd996Год назад +26
Why do i get alot of views but no subssss 😭😭
@FireyEditz10 месяцев назад +1
@DeChaoulette9 месяцев назад
cause of shorts I got 5.4K views but no comments no subs
@glazer24887 месяцев назад
@Skibidi-r6q6 месяцев назад
Saammm her
@kinglooth6 месяцев назад
@PourinmybludinmyleanГод назад +8
Foltyn always with the bangers❤❤
@AhmRaza1Год назад +2
@010KingГод назад +5
Who remembers how hype yuzi was when it came out
@Vibe_JixiГод назад +2
Fr It Was Crazy How Much People Used It 😜
@PixelatedEZ8561Год назад +2
I just love in every video Foltyn puts funny memes to make us laugh😂
@viizyqГод назад +3
Bro should called it "ELEKTRASH"!
@VerifiedBrainrotГод назад +1
Pov:Folt uploads about a new kit being the best,THE BED WARS DEVS WATCHING IT AND NERFING IT THE NEXT WEEK-
Does this make sense like fr.@arunraj5103Год назад
@ashtonplayz6477Год назад +7
Foltyn always with the bangers this is the guy that never fails us❤
@TotallypeppaГод назад +1
Such a basic comment
@TotallypeppaГод назад
Ofc he always
@Kyoto4438 месяцев назад +1
Add a reply
@Janse440Год назад +1
Bro forgot abt Fortuna and didn’t even talk abt his “baby” lyla
@Vibe_JixiГод назад +5
👇🎫@badkarma1196Год назад +1
@Vibe_JixiГод назад +1
@@badkarma1196 Nice 👍
@wxterRecordsГод назад +1
we not gonna talk abt he’s sleeping schedule
@hyunjinkang9790Год назад +3
Hey folt I want to 1v1 u😂😂😂😂
@ShadikuriГод назад +1
Foltyn pls use hammer with Evelyn it is soooo OP!!!!!!!!!!
@Josh30179Год назад +5
Can we just appreciate how much effort he has put in his videos and the editing is so awesome I love it and he's the best bedwars player and his better then TanqR AND hes also the goat 🐐 i watch him every day FFOT AND CHEX GANG ON BOTTOM
@SibongiseniNdlovu_Год назад +1
I know your a hard-core
fan but in my opinion his is not better than tanqr@Josh30179Год назад +1
@Josh30179Год назад
@@SibongiseniNdlovu_SHUT YO BUM UP
@ahmedseif83956 месяцев назад +1
@ahmedseif83956 месяцев назад +1
@PopcornraiN555Год назад +2
Tip: If you use cannon and dash with scythe while getting thrown my the cannon it’s Actually throws you so far away
@MrPlayzRobloxГод назад
if you use yuzi, u cannot get other swords
@kismetbeatricesalinas3349Год назад +2
To be honest everyone he seems more happy and hyper with yuzi more than showing gildas face😢😂❤
@andregomez8955Год назад
Gloop will clap yuzi
@kismetbeatricesalinas3349Год назад
@King.amp7Год назад +1
Bro foltyn every time I use Yuzi ppl call me hacker or try hard lmao 😂
@กิจเกษมจินดาГод назад +1
Who else is a Foltyn Fan?
👇@jennifersmith7766Год назад +1
I think Hannah is actually the best kit with dagger so the game plan with forge with dagger and armor armor max and dagger 5 star and you win so yea try that with Hannah
@NightOwl-yq2moГод назад +1
foltyn just forgot about hannah :[
rip:hannah and foltyn@RealYoDiamond-g1tГод назад +1
All of foltyn s vids are the best
@DestinyRomeromejiaГод назад +1
Yuzi kit Is good for running AND It cost More than original sword and It dose less dm Evelyn Is neft and Is still kanda good Evelyn has More abilidis than yuzi only thing todo Is Ruby thats It
👇 If you agree@Janse440Год назад +1
POV:you are trying to get the most liked bots against thousands of bots 💀
@FayeDecГод назад +1
Banger vid
@leoalessa7256Год назад +1
Keep making Banger videos please foityn family on top
@frankievidsГод назад +2
Foltyn I love your content you are an amazing person with an amazing talent at bedwars i hope you reach 1 million subs it has been an honor to watch you grow and i will continue :)
@FlamefuryXtraГод назад +1
The way Foltyn always finds the best kit and tries to rizz it down 😂
@JifikyГод назад
@JifikyГод назад
tho fr
@FebrezemanГод назад
@LJASPQW4E1Год назад +1
foltyn i love your vids❤
@pubgmobile-vd6qcГод назад +1
Foltyn scythe with Evelyn is op
@IndoE4t_indomieГод назад
Foltyn i know what is ur favourite kit
Ur favourite kit is when a new season comes out and a new kit comes out ur literally becomes ur favourite@Taqi-p2tГод назад +1
Hi guys❤❤
@LiambloxiamГод назад
@SlayWayPlaysГод назад +1
i love how these comments all say "nice video" but it came out 4 mins ago 😂😂
@ABERNER08Год назад
6:25 POV: You have the best enchant in the game after getting buffed by so much Foltyn: GIVE ME CRITICAL STIRKE
@funnybubble2970Год назад +1
Foltyn you gotta use the nockture scythe with critical strike 3 pls read this it’s so OP or at least for me try it out pls ❤
@jazmindelaprovidencia2592Год назад +1
Use scythe again use it in third person this time
@amelitaloberanes745Год назад
Foltyn allways post BANGER videos
@blockywizardchadaguilar6702Год назад +1
Fun fact: the best kit is also nothing yuzi is just a sword with a dash it all depends on skill but the best kit is also you dont let any game define your skill also you dropped this👑👑👑
amazing video@LuffyDaGoofy21Год назад +1
Yeah Bouy!
@annabloch3364Год назад +2
Foltyn always makes the best videos! ❤
@denniserichsen1859Год назад
@FebrezemanГод назад
I agree when I'm sad I watch his videos and they are so funny and cheer me up keep it up folt!
@whyareyouothereГод назад +1
@tryhardgamer8952Год назад +1
I disagree Yuzi with enchants is way more OP
@TheRetro_BaconГод назад
actually dom is a very good kit for ranked, actually the best bed breaking kit. kinda hit hard when he dissed it
@duphuongtown11111Год назад +1
@dubaiexplorer5613Год назад
@shayaanthebestboyГод назад
The dagger is super good Fotyn if you build up one time and build up again, and then you attack with Dagger then you just have to build up and attack
@DinoDude124Год назад
Foltyn Family On Top!
@LJASPQW4E1Год назад +1
and foltyn is the bowmaster and does not miss a arrow
@crowngaming6043Год назад +1
@bedwars pls buff elektra😢
@maryannatencio5306Год назад +1
Fun Fact:Yuzi Is’t actually the best kit its Fortuna even tho its nerfed it can still 1 shot
@KiyumГод назад
There is no best kits it all depends abt ur skills and playing style
@jrynel2938Год назад +2
So u don’t want to go back to jade ?😢
@Mason-ex9jdГод назад +1
First yuzi then jade then void regent then Evelyn then hannah then lyla then elektra and it restarts back to yuzi😂😂😂😂😂
@Mrcrisp11Год назад +1
When bedwars nerfs yuzi alright guys the new best kit is….idk every kit was my favorite
@dubaiexplorer5613Год назад
Don't stop no matter what FOLTYN!!!
@enriquegalindo3847Год назад
@totallywГод назад
How many favorite kits does foltyn have 💀
@CASHBLOXTГод назад +1
This deserves 1 billion likes
@TheOnePeiceIsReal420Год назад +1
W foltyn
@content9593Год назад
Back story with foltyn’s favorite kits
1: Grim Reaper
2: Jade
3: Void Regent
4: Yuzi
5: Evelyn
6: Kaliyah
7: Hannah
8: Lyla
9: ElektraSH
10: Yuzi (again)
also don’t buff elektraSH, make Foltyn go back to Lyla 😎@Adam10024Год назад +1
in first game he chose diamond gen when damage is 10x better 💀
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how much alots of time and work he put into these videos? It's unbelievable, and I think they deserve a lot more than that! 😍😍
@LilgoofheadГод назад
@rwkxtechno6256Год назад
@sharky6969Год назад
@gamer_1v3Год назад
stop the cap to get free robux just play donations games
@snyKx00Год назад
@Redcheese2020Год назад +1
How about Lyla?
@TotallypeppaГод назад
Cmon just like this banger video deserves 20K likes and a milllon subs
@dmurphy4912Год назад +1
Thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so
@liztamayo4014Год назад
It's hard to believe lyla is just forgotten 😮
@keyharmonyschannel85098 месяцев назад
The best kit is actually none other than foltyn himself❤
@MUSTAFA-lp4bwГод назад +1
The best in chanted for yuzi is fire can hit people from the world in the keep getting damage and damage
@IzaanHitsThatГод назад
Foltyn is on the bangers team❤
@Supershadow123-f2dГод назад +1
Actually the best kit in the game is Fortuna even though it got nerfed a lot of times it still is way to op.
@bludyreaperГод назад +1
Hes one day you gonna like fortuna
@darynlelielcatahan1297Год назад
These a series of favorite kits dude foltyn should make a series of my favorite kits
@EarlisnoobtoproГод назад
W game even if you lose. Folt is besta uh uh Folt is besta uh uh w game
@kinggeorgerocker1108Год назад +1
love your videos you’re the
@KarasIskandarrГод назад +1
Th Dino is good it can be use for runing away more danger breaks beds defense harder to hit the player catching up to the player to kill and catch up to yuiz
@KarasIskandarrГод назад +1
@kekemonaiГод назад +1
They need to buff his baby back
@light5021Год назад
I love movement kits, but the fastest kit isn’t a movement kit. Comment which kit you think it is.
@DemernolГод назад
Obv Pirate Davey
@sinhuehernandez5254Год назад
its dino tamer
@-1violation313Год назад
remember the old scythe, only the og know this
@JeremyScout-RedГод назад +1
@TheDogeCat1234Год назад
The new best kit is subscribing to Foltyn
@thejjfam1143Год назад +1
AYO Yuzi ain’t better than Electra and Evelyn
@마맄Год назад
@obogucki5795Год назад
The fact thst ember had a giant nerf a few days after the lifesteal strat and now it back and has more damge
@malleswarihari8509Год назад
@anthonyflores1096Год назад +1
When I saw your vid yuzi is back I was so excited cuz I have yuzi imagine I have no robux that will be sad thx foot to make this happen now people will be over power
@MuhanadMohamed-nd2mnГод назад +1
Your videos are funny
@GoofyMan360Год назад
Wow I’m not the only guy who noticed that yuzi feels Op
@ItsNotThaiГод назад +1
yo i cant lie i will forever think yuzi is worse than void regent. Does anyone agree?
@S4ltylolГод назад +1
When foltyn uploads another banger
Me : Clicks faster than an autoclicker on 0.00000001 miloseconds
All the kids : GUYS IM FIRST IM FIRST!@opleeyon6211Год назад
Hey guys I think Fortuna is the kit.
@RoFoot_PlayzГод назад
Get ready for the bots yall 😂
@adelaidavazquez28Год назад
@BaconYt6944Год назад
My fav kit incoming@DarkReal757Год назад
Foltyn Tip if you take forever to win and have enchants I recommend get life steal 3 bc you feel like you have infinite health with it even if someone has emerald armor while you have diamond
@FebrezemanГод назад
Keep up the good work foltyn❤❤❤
@Fortniteclips-j4Год назад +1
Best videos ever
@xaviercarrillo2289Год назад
Fulton if you see this we know you haven’t played the game since it came out, but had a crossbow been ever nursed or both
@titanus_kong5510Год назад
Drunk Bedwars Simulator
@AbelParadaCisnerosГод назад +1
Fulton, you made me buy the battle pass if you change kit I will change kit to just use your second baby kit that Lila
This Is The NEW BEST KIT.. (Roblox Bedwars) (2025)
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Article information
Author: Edmund Hettinger DC
Last Updated:
Views: 5460
Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)
Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful
Author information
Name: Edmund Hettinger DC
Birthday: 1994-08-17
Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654
Phone: +8524399971620
Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor
Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting
Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.