').hide(); }); //// Create toggle for Library facet accordion content // Display/Hide Filter Choices for Library Results $J('.searchLimitsColumn .facet').each(function() { $J(this).find('> form .facetTitleRow').click(function() { $J(this).parent().find('.facet-info').slideToggle('slow', function() { if ($J(this).css('display') == 'none') { $J(this).parent().find('> .facetTitleRow .facetTitle > i').replaceWith(''); if ($J(this).find('> form').attr('id') !== 'facetFormPUBDATE') { $J(this).parent().find('.limitcolumn_button button[value=Include]').hide(); $J(this).parent().find('.limitcolumn_button button[value=Exclude]').hide(); } else { $J(this).parent().find('.limitcolumn_button button[value=Include]').show(); $J(this).parent().find('.limitcolumn_button button[value=Exclude]').show(); } $J(this).parent().find('.facetTitle').css('font-weight', '400'); var facetNumber = $J(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length; if ($J(facetNumber).length > 0) { $J(this).parent().find('.facetTitleRow').css({ 'border-bottom': '0' }); $J(this).parent().find('.facetTitleRow').append('
Selected: ' + facetNumber + '
'); } else { $J(this).parent().find('.facetTitleRow').css({ 'border-bottom': '0' }); } } else { $J(this).parent().find('> .facetTitleRow .facetTitle > i').replaceWith(''); $J(this).parent().find('.limitcolumn_button button[value=Include]').show(); $J(this).parent().find('.limitcolumn_button button[value=Exclude]').show(); $J(this).css('padding-top','10px'); $J(this).parent().find('.facetTitleRow').css({ 'border-bottom': 'solid 1px #dedede' }); $J(this).parent().find('.facetTitle').css('font-weight', '600'); $J(this).parent().find('.facetTitleRow .facets-selected').remove(); } }); }); }); //// Create toggle for Library facet accordion content // Add margin to bottom of last breadcrumb $J('.searchLimitsColumn .limitcolumn_wrapper').find('.breadCrumbsContainer:last').css('margin-bottom', '10px'); $J('.searchLimitsColumn .limitcolumn_wrapper').find('#breadCrumbsContainer:last').css('margin-bottom', '10px'); $J('.searchLimitsColumn, .rightSearchLimitsColumn').show(); if ($J('.searchLimitsColumn #breadCrumbsContainer').text() == "") { $J('.searchLimitsColumn #breadCrumbsContainer').css('margin-bottom', '0'); } // Hide facet include/exclude buttons $J('.searchLimitsColumn .facet').each(function() { $J(this).css('padding-bottom','5px'); if ($J(this).find('> form').attr('id') !== 'facetFormPUBDATE') { $J(this).find('.limitcolumn_button').hide(); } }); // Move include/exclude buttons $J('.searchLimitsColumn .facet').each(function() { $J(this).find('.limitcolumn_button').appendTo($J(this).find('.facet-info')); }); // Show include/exclude when checkboxes are checked (hide if none are checked) $J('.searchLimitsColumn .facet').each(function() { $J(this).find('.facetItem input[type="checkbox"]').change(function() { if ($J(this).parentsUntil('.facet').find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length > 0) { $J(this).parentsUntil('.facet').find('.limitcolumn_button').show(); } else { $J(this).parentsUntil('.facet').find('.limitcolumn_button').hide(); } if ($J('.limitcolumn_wrapper').find('.facet > form').has('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length > 1) { // Animate overlay $J('#include-exclude-overlay').addClass('overlay-visible'); $J('#clear-all-filters').click(function() { $J('#include-exclude-overlay').removeClass('overlay-visible'); $J('.facet').find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function() { this.checked = false; }); }); } else { $J('#include-exclude-overlay').removeClass('overlay-visible'); } }); }); }function startPseudoHit(rId){//PROFILE CONSTRAINTS, ers-nb exactly, or starts with ers-//if(window.location.pathname.split('/')[3]=='ers-nb'){if(window.location.pathname.split('/')[3].indexOf('ers-')>-1){ $J(document).ready(function(){ if($J('.cell_wrapper').length>0){ var msgText='¿No encuentras lo que necesitas? Pregúntele a un miembro del personal o use una Internet Station para acceder a todos nuestros recursos digitales.'; var msgHtml='
'; var afterPoint=""; if($J('#searchViewDISCOVERY_ALL .cell_wrapper').length <3){ afterPoint=$J('.cell_wrapper').last(); } else{ afterPoint=$J('.cell_wrapper:eq(1)') } $J(afterPoint).after(msgHtml); } });} //END TEST PROFILE CONSTRAINT}/***CUSTOM NOTE: WIDGET IS ALSO INJECTING MATERIAL TYPE INTO THE ILS HITLIST (BELOW FORMAT) TO COMPENSATE FOR 5.1 BUGRELATING TO CHILD FIELDS. SEARCH itemTypeHtml FOR A COUPLE OF FRAGMENTS TO DISABLE IF NEEDED****/function showHoldings(){// json calls to to retrieve location, library and item type policiesjQuery.getJSON('https://fvrl.sirsi.net/fvrl_ilsws/rest/admin/lookupLocationPolicyList?clientID=DS_CLIENT&json=true&callback=?',function(data){LocationList=data.policyInfo; jQuery.getJSON('https://fvrl.sirsi.net/fvrl_ilsws/rest/admin/lookupLibraryPolicyList?clientID=DS_CLIENT&json=true&callback=?',function(data){ LibraryList=data.policyInfo; jQuery.getJSON('https://fvrl.sirsi.net/fvrl_ilsws/rest/admin/lookupItemTypePolicyList?clientID=DS_CLIENT&json=true&callback=?',function(data){ ItemTypeList=data.policyInfo; // wait for page to finish loading jQuery(window).ready(function(){ //jQuery('#results_wrapper').ready(function(){ // loops through each title in results and inserts link to detail display then holdings insertLinks(); }); }); });});}function insertLinks(){ // loop through dom for each item in results jQuery('div.cell_wrapper').each(function(){ // get the profile name var theProfile = com_sirsi_ent_page.friendlyUrl; theProfile = theProfile.toUpperCase(); //get the catkey var catKey=jQuery(this).find('.DOC_ID_value').text().split(':')[1]; var hitNum = jQuery(this).find('.results_cell').attr('id'); var hitNum = hitNum.replace(/results_cell/, ""); if (catKey > 0) { // insert a hook for later calls jQuery(this).find('div.results_bio').append(''); //jQuery(this).find('div.results_right').after('
'); // get item holdings data getCopies(catKey,theProfile, hitNum); } // end loop through dom });}function getCopies(catKey,theProfile, hitNum){var herelib;var branchlib;var nearlib;if (theProfile == "ERS-BG") { herelib = "FV-BG"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-YACOLT, FV-VM, FV-LC, FV-RI,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-CP") { herelib = "FV-CP"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-VA, FV-VM, FV-WA,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-GD") { herelib = "FV-GD"; branchlib = "FV-BKK,"; nearlib = "FV-WS,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-LC") { herelib = "FV-LC"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-WD, FV-BG, FV-YALE, FV-YACOLT,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-NB") { herelib = "FV-NB"; branchlib = "FV-ST, FV-BKS,"; nearlib = "FV-WA, FV-WS,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-RI") { herelib = "FV-RI"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-WD, FV-TC, FV-BG,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-ST") { herelib = "FV-ST"; branchlib = "FV-NB, FV-BKS,"; nearlib = "FV-WA, FV-WS,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-TC") { herelib = "FV-TC"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-VM, FV-VA,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-VA") { herelib = "FV-VA"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-CP, FV-VM, FV-TC,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-VM") { herelib = "FV-VM"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-CP, FV-TC, FV-VA,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-WA") { herelib = "FV-WA"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-CP, FV-ST,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-WD") { herelib = "FV-WD"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-LC, FV-RI, FV-YALE,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-WS") { herelib = "FV-WS"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-ST, FV-GD,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-YT") { herelib = "FV-YACOLT"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-BG, FV-YALE,";}else if (theProfile == "ERS-YV") { herelib = "FV-YALE"; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-WD, FV-YACOLT,";}else if (theProfile == "CATALOG") { herelib = ""; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-BG, FV-CP, FV-GD, FV-BKK, FV-LC, FV-NB, FV-RI, FV-ST, FV-BKS, FV-VM, FV-TC, FV-VA, FV-WA, FV-WS, FV-WD, FV-YACOLT, FV-YALE, FV-DIST";}else if (theProfile == "CATALOGTEST") { herelib = ""; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-BG, FV-CP, FV-GD, FV-BKK, FV-LC, FV-NB, FV-RI, FV-ST, FV-BKS, FV-VM, FV-TC, FV-VA, FV-WA, FV-WS, FV-WD, FV-YACOLT, FV-YALE, FV-DIST";}else if (theProfile == "CATALOG-CSOA") { herelib = ""; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-BG, FV-CP, FV-GD, FV-BKK, FV-LC, FV-NB, FV-RI, FV-ST, FV-BKS, FV-VM, FV-TC, FV-VA, FV-WA, FV-WS, FV-WD, FV-YACOLT, FV-YALE, FV-DIST";}else if (theProfile == "CSPLUS-PILOT") { herelib = ""; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-BG, FV-CP, FV-GD, FV-BKK, FV-LC, FV-NB, FV-RI, FV-ST, FV-BKS, FV-VM, FV-TC, FV-VA, FV-WA, FV-WS, FV-WD, FV-YACOLT, FV-YALE, FV-DIST";}else if (theProfile == "CATALOGNM") { herelib = ""; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-BG, FV-CP, FV-GD, FV-BKK, FV-LC, FV-NB, FV-RI, FV-ST, FV-BKS, FV-VM, FV-TC, FV-VA, FV-WA, FV-WS, FV-WD, FV-YACOLT, FV-YALE, FV-DIST";}else if (theProfile == "CATALOGMB") { herelib = ""; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-BG, FV-CP, FV-GD, FV-BKK, FV-LC, FV-NB, FV-RI, FV-ST, FV-BKS, FV-VM, FV-TC, FV-VA, FV-WA, FV-WS, FV-WD, FV-YACOLT, FV-YALE, FV-DIST";}else if (theProfile == "BENTO") { herelib = ""; branchlib = ""; nearlib = "FV-BG, FV-CP, FV-GD, FV-BKK, FV-LC, FV-NB, FV-RI, FV-ST, FV-BKS, FV-VM, FV-TC, FV-VA, FV-WA, FV-WS, FV-WD, FV-YACOLT, FV-YALE, FV-DIST";}// json call to web services api and loop through resultsjQuery.getJSON('https://fvrl.sirsi.net/fvrl_ilsws/rest/standard/lookupTitleInfo?clientID=DS_CLIENT&titleID='+catKey+'&includeItemInfo=true&includeMarcHoldings=true&marcEntryFilter=full&json=true&callback=?',function(data){// create list for itemsvar itemsArray = [];// list for items at local library or group of libraries (based on profile)var itemsArrayTop = [];// list for items at local library or group of libraries (based on profile)var itemsArrayBranch = [];// list for items at related or nearby libraries (based on profile)var itemsArrayMiddle = [];// list for items that are eresourcesvar eresourcesArray = [];// jump down into array returned by jsonvar titleInfo = data.TitleInfo[0];var copyInfo = data.TitleInfo[0].CallInfo;var mhldInfo = titleInfo.MarcHoldingsInfo;if (mhldInfo) { jQuery('#copies_'+catKey).before('
'); getMarcHoldings(catKey,mhldInfo,theProfile,hitNum,herelib,branchlib,nearlib);}// loop through copyInfo array returned by jsonjQuery.each(copyInfo,function(i,value){// get library descriptionvar libID = this.libraryID;var LibraryDesc = getDescription(this.libraryID,LibraryList);// get call numbervar callInfo=this.callNumber;if (this.numberOfCopies > 0) {// loop through itemInfo array returned by jsonjQuery.each(value.ItemInfo,function(){// get home locationvar HomeLocDesc = getDescription(this.homeLocationID,LocationList);// get current locationvar CurrentLocDesc = getDescription(this.currentLocationID,LocationList);// get item typevar ItemTypeDesc = getDescription(this.itemTypeID,ItemTypeList);if (this.currentLocationID == "CHECKEDOUT") { CurrentLocDesc = "Checked Out";}// replace some annoying labels from Symphony policies with Enterprise friendly onesLibraryDesc = cleanupLibraryDesc(HomeLocDesc,LibraryDesc);HomeLocDesc = cleanupLocDesc(HomeLocDesc);ItemTypeDesc = cleanupItemTypeDesc(ItemTypeDesc);CurrentLocDesc = cleanupLocDesc(CurrentLocDesc);// create status if current and home location are not equalvar itemStatus='';if (CurrentLocDesc!=HomeLocDesc) {itemStatus = CurrentLocDesc;}else {itemStatus = HomeLocDesc;}// get due date and add to status// if (this.dueDate) {// var date = new Date(this.dueDate);// itemStatus = 'Due '+(date.getMonth()+1)+'/'+date.getDate()+'/'+ date.getFullYear();// }if (libID == herelib) { var thisLine = '
'; itemsArrayTop.push(thisLine);}else if(branchlib.indexOf(libID + ',') > -1) { var thisLine = '
'; itemsArrayBranch.push(thisLine);}else if(nearlib.indexOf(libID + ',') > -1) { var thisLine = '
'; itemsArrayMiddle.push(thisLine);}else if (libID == "CA") { //Do nothing; don't display Camas items}else { var thisLine = '
'; itemsArray.push(thisLine);}/***CUSTOM: PUTTING MATERIAL TYPE INTO THE HITLIST BELOW FORMAT***/var itemTypeHtml=' Material Type '+ItemTypeDesc+'
'; itemsArrayTop.push(thisLine); } else if(branchlib.indexOf(libID + ',') > -1) { var thisLine = '
'; itemsArrayBranch.push(thisLine); } else if(nearlib.indexOf(libID + ',') > -1) { var thisLine = '
'; itemsArrayMiddle.push(thisLine); } else { var thisLine = '
'; itemsArray.push(thisLine); }}// end json copyInfo loop});//// sort lines by library//itemsArrayTop.sort(// function(a, b) {// if (a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase()) return -1;// if (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase()) return 1;// return 0;// }//);//// sort lines by library//itemsArrayBranch.sort(// function(a, b) {// if (a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase()) return -1;// if (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase()) return 1;// return 0;// }//);//// sort lines by library//itemsArrayMiddle.sort(// function(a, b) {// if (a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase()) return -1;// if (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase()) return 1;// return 0;// }//);//// sort lines by library//itemsArray.sort(// function(a, b) {// if (a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase()) return -1;// if (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase()) return 1;// return 0;// }//);if ((itemsArrayTop.length != 0)||(itemsArrayBranch.length != 0)||(itemsArrayMiddle.length !=0)||(itemsArray.length != 0)) {var itemsOutputTop = itemsArrayTop.join("\n");var itemsOutputBranch = itemsArrayBranch.join("\n");var itemsOutputMiddle = itemsArrayMiddle.join("\n");var itemsOutput = itemsArray.join("\n");//var moreCopiesCount = itemsArrayMiddle.length + itemsArray.length;var moreCopiesCount = itemsArray.length;jQuery('#startlink_'+catKey).remove();//var myheight = jQuery('div.results_bio').height();//jQuery('#copies_'+catKey).append('
');var divwidth = 575;var tablewidth = 570;if(window.location.pathname.search("mylists") > 0) { divwidth = 575; tablewidth = 570;}jQuery('#copies_'+catKey).append('
');if ((itemsOutputTop != "" || itemsOutputBranch != "" || itemsOutputMiddle != "" || itemsOutput != "") && herelib != "CCS") { jQuery('#copies_'+catKey).append('
Biblioteca | Clasificación | Tipo de material | Estado o ubicación |
');}// ### uncomment if this code replaces code on Details display, so as to always display other libraries' holdings//if (itemsArray.length !=0) {//jQuery('#startcopies_'+catKey).append('
Ver fondos en otras bibliotecas
');// } if (itemsArray.length !=0) { if (herelib != "CCS") { jQuery('#copies_'+catKey).after('
'); if (itemsArrayTop.length == 0 && itemsArrayMiddle == 0) { moreCopies(catKey); jQuery('.morecopies_'+catKey).show(); jQuery('#morelink_'+catKey).hide(); } } else {// jQuery('.morecopies_'+catKey).show(); } } var x1 = jQuery('#copies_' + catKey + ' .detailItems').offset().left; var y1 = jQuery('#copies_' + catKey + ' .detailItems').offset().top; var h1 = jQuery('#copies_' + catKey + ' .detailItems').outerHeight(true); var w1 = jQuery('#copies_' + catKey + ' .detailItems').outerWidth(true); var b1 = y1 + h1; var r1 = x1 + w1; var x2 = jQuery('#results_cell' + hitNum + ' .results_right').offset().left; var y2 = jQuery('#results_cell' + hitNum + ' .results_right').offset().top; var h2 = jQuery('#results_cell' + hitNum + ' .results_right').outerHeight(true); var w2 = jQuery('#results_cell' + hitNum + ' .results_right').outerWidth(true); var b2 = y2 + h2; var r2 = x2 + w2; if (b1 < y2 || y1 > b2 || r1 < x2 || x1 > r2) { //jQuery('#copies_'+catKey).append('
'); } else { //jQuery('#copies_'+catKey).append('
'); jQuery('#copies_'+catKey+' .vertspacer').height(b2-y1+12); }} // end json getJSON loop});}function moreCopies(catKey){// executed when you click on the More Copies link// show the hidden copies// insert a Hide copies link// the style overflow visible part is to fix css problem in ie8jQuery('.morecopies_'+catKey).show();jQuery('#copies_'+catKey).before('
');jQuery('#morelink_'+catKey).hide();jQuery('.cell_wrapper').attr("style","overflow:visible/0;");return false;}function hideCopies(catKey){// executed when you click on the Hide Copies link// hide the additiontal copies// insert a More copies link// the style overflow visible part is to fix css problem in ie8jQuery('.morecopies_'+catKey).hide();jQuery('#morelink_'+catKey).show();jQuery('#lesslink_'+catKey).remove();jQuery('.cell_wrapper').attr("style","overflow:auto/0;");return false;}function getDescription (thisID,thisPolicy) {// routine to retrieve descriptive labels from policyvar thisDescription = '';for (var i = 0; i < thisPolicy.length; i++) {if (thisPolicy[i].policyID == thisID) {return thisPolicy[i].policyDescription;break;}}}function cleanupLocDesc(thisLocation) {// replace some annoying labels from Symphony policies with Enterprise friendly ones//thisLocation = thisLocation.replace(/UAA Learning Resources Center - /g,'');//thisLocation = thisLocation.replace(/UAA Learning Resources Center/g,'');return thisLocation;}function cleanupItemTypeDesc(ItemTypeDesc) {// replace some annoying labels from Symphony policies with Enterprise friendly ones//ItemTypeDesc = ItemTypeDesc.replace(/Trade Paperback/g,'Book');//ItemTypeDesc = ItemTypeDesc.replace(/Music or Spoken Word CD Set/g,'CD Set');return ItemTypeDesc;}function cleanupLibraryDesc (HomeLocDesc,LibraryDesc) {// replace some annoying labels from Symphony policies with Enterprise friendly onesLibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Battle Ground Community Library/g,'Battle Ground');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Cascade Park Community Library/g,'Cascade Park');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Goldendale Community Library/g,'Goldendale');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/La Center Community Library/g,'La Center');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/North Bonneville Community Library/g,'North Bonneville');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Ridgefield Community Library/g,'Ridgefield');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Stevenson Community Library/g,'Stevenson');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Three Creeks Community Library/g,'Three Creeks');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Vancouver Community Library/g,'Vancouver');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Vancouver Mall Library/g,'Vancouver Mall');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Washougal Community Library/g,'Washougal');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/White Salmon Valley Community Library/g,'White Salmon Valley');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Woodland Community Library/g,'Woodland');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Camas Public Library/g,'Camas');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Yacolt Library Express/g,'Yacolt');LibraryDesc = LibraryDesc.replace(/Yale Valley Community Library/g,'Yale');return LibraryDesc;}function getProfile() {// parse the profile url and convert to a profile name useful for sorting the holdings var urlParts = jQuery('#searchBoxHomeLink a').attr('href').split('/').length;var theProfile = jQuery('#searchBoxHomeLink a').attr('href').split('/')[urlParts - 2].toUpperCase();// theProfile = theProfile.replace(/ANCMUSEUM/g,'Anchorage Museum');// theProfile = theProfile.replace(/ASL/g,'State Library');theProfile = theProfile.replace(/UAAMATSU/g,'UAA Mat-Su');return theProfile;}function getMarcHoldings(catKey,mhldInfo,theProfile,hitNum,herelib,branchlib,nearlib){// json call to see if serial holdings// if so, insert a link to detail display labeled Check serial holdingsmarcHoldings=mhldInfo;if (marcHoldings) { var mhldsOutputTop = ""; var mhldsOutputBranch = ""; // list for holdings at local library or group of libraries (based on profile) var mhldsArrayTop = []; // list for holdings at local library or group of libraries (based on profile) var mhldsArrayBranch = []; var hasurl = 0; // loop through MarcHoldingsInfo array returned by json jQuery.each(marcHoldings,function(i,mhld){ var mhldLibID = mhld.holdingLibraryID; // loop through MarcEntryInfo array returned by json var locationAndPhysDesc = ""; var mhldLocn = ""; var physDesc = ""; var holdingsSummary = ""; var linkurl = ""; var linktest = ""; var mhldlink = ""; jQuery.each(mhld.MarcEntryInfo,function(j,mhldEntry){ if(mhldEntry.entryTypeCodes == "l") { //location (852) if (mhldEntry.text.indexOf('-- ') > -1) { mhldLocn = mhldEntry.text.substring(0, mhldEntry.text.indexOf('-- ')); physDesc = mhldEntry.text.substring(mhldEntry.text.indexOf('-- ') + 3); physDesc = physDesc.replace(/\$
" + holdingsSummaryLabel+ mhldEntry.text; } else { holdingsSummary = holdingsSummaryLabel+ mhldEntry.text; } } else if(mhldEntry.entryTypeCodes == "i") { //url (856) hasurl++; linkurl = mhldEntry.unformattedText; linkurl = linkurl.replace(/^.*[|]u/, ""); linkurl = linkurl.replace(/[|].*$/, ""); linktext = mhldEntry.text; if (mhldlink != "") { mhldlink += "
" + linktext + ""; } else { mhldlink = "" + linktext + ""; } } }); //get library description var mhldLibraryDesc = getDescription(mhldLibID,LibraryList); // get home location var mhldHomeLocDesc = getDescription(mhldLocn,LocationList); if(holdingsSummary != "" && mhldlink != "") { holdingsSummary += "
" + mhldlink; } else if(holdingsSummary == "" && mhldlink != "") { holdingsSummary = mhldlink; } if(physDesc != "") { mhldHomeLocDesc += "
" + physDesc; } var thisLine = "
Biblioteca | Ubicación y formato | Rango de existencias y/o URL de acceso |
//if URL is present in any MHLD record, hide "ELECTRONIC_ACCESS" class within id "results_bio"+detail if(hasurl > 0) { jQuery('#results_bio'+hitNum+' .ELECTRONIC_ACCESS').remove(); } }}//});}function addUnboundHitList () { $J('head').append('
' + divHtml + '
';var idString = 'tabs-'+ (index+1);$J('#detail_tabs'+detail + ' ul').append(liHtml);$J('#detail_tabs'+detail).append(fullDivHtml);}//end if acc length >0});//end eachif($J('#detail_tabs'+detail).text().length >0){$J('#detail_tabs' + detail).tabs();$J('#detail_accordion'+detail).remove();$J('#detail_tabs'+detail).find('a:contains(":*")').text(availLabel+ ':'+numAvail); $J('#detail_tabs' + detail).find('.sorttable_sortAnyInd').remove();$J('.sorttable_sortAnyInd').remove(); var itemTable = $J('#detail_tabs'+detail).find('.detailItemTable')[0];/*****CHECK THIS. IS THIS AN ADEQUATE CHECK FOR CASES WHERE AN AVAILABLE TAB MAY NOT BE PRESENT?***/if(itemTable){sorttable.makeSortable(itemTable);}if (weUseNovelist){ if (removeSyndeticsForNovelist){removeSyndetics(rId);} setTimeout("goNovelist(detail);",50);}/***should this be an else-if, or should we allow both nov/syn to run?****/if(syndeticsUnboundEnabled){ startSyndeticsUnbound(detail)} }else{$J('#detail_tabs'+detail).remove();} checkAvailCount();}function goNovelist(detail){//var isbn=document.getElementById('detail'+detail +'_ISBN').childNodes[0].innerHTML;var isbn = jQuery('#detail' + detail+'_ISBN').find('.ISBN_value:first').text(); var customUPC=jQuery('#detail' + detail+'_UPC').find('.UPC_value:first').text(); if (isbn.length==0 && customUPC.length>0){ isbn=customUPC; }//if(document.getElementById('detail'+detail+'_ISBN').hasChildNodes() && isbn.length==13){ if(isbn){var regEx=/^[0-9]*$/;isbn=isbn.match(regEx); if(regEx.match(isbn)){if (typeof(novSelect) == 'undefined' ){novelistScript = new Element('script', {type: 'text/javascript',id: 'EIT',src: ''+novelistUrl+''});jQuery('body').append(novelistScript);}var detailAccObj=$J('#detail_accordion' + detail);var detailTabObj=$J('#detail_tabs'+detail);//if an IOS device (which should have bypassed the tabs conversion), do traditional accordionsif (useAccordions){$J(detailAccObj).append('NoveList Select
');NoveListSelectEnrichment(document.getElementById('detail'+detail+'_ISBN').childNodes[0].innerHTML);}else{if($J('#cust-nov-tab-'+detail).length==0){var newTabIndex=String(parseInt($J('#detail_tabs'+detail +' > div:last').attr('id').split('-')[1])+1);var tabLiHtml='Place Hold
'); $J(downloadHold).before(''); } else { $J(download).removeAttr('style').wrap('Download
'); $J(download).before(''); }}function ercPreview(resultContainer) { var preview = $J(resultContainer).find('.ercPreviewButton .button')[0]; // eResource Preview $J(preview).wrap('Preview
'); $J(preview).before(''); $J(preview).parent().unwrap();}function springerEbook(resultContainer) { var ebook = $J(resultContainer).find('div[id^="OPEN_PDF_EBOOK"] .button')[0]; // Springer eBook PDF $J(ebook).wrap('PDF eBook
'); $J(ebook).before(''); $J(ebook).parent().unwrap();}function digitalAcademy(resultContainer) { var digAcad = $J(resultContainer).find('div[id^="DA_ACCESS_COURSE"] .button')[0]; // Digital Academy $J(digAcad).wrap('View Content
'); $J(digAcad).before(''); $J(digAcad).parent().unwrap();}// function googlePreview(resultContainer) {//// var google = $J(resultContainer).find('div[id^="googlePreview"]')[0]; // Google Preview//// $J(google).wrap('Google Preview
');// $J(google).before('');// }function addAdditionalItems(resultContainer) { // console.log('Ran Once'); $J(resultContainer).find('.results_right:first').append('Additional
- container }); }); // Add
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The presence of the subfield t allows the search field to produce multiple fields for cases where the multiple 700 tags are for the same author, but differ based on the subfield t***/ if (rId.indexOf('detail') !== -1) { var resultsId = rId.split("detail")[1]; var selector = '#detail_biblio'+resultsId; } else { var resultsId = rId.split("hitlist")[1]; var selector = '#results_bio'+resultsId; } jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.SUBJECT_TERM a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||SUBJECT|||Subject'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.GEOGRAPHIC_TERM a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||SUBJECT|||Subject'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.CORPORATE_SUBJECT a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||SUBJECT|||Subject'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.CONFERENCE_SUBJECT a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||SUBJECT|||Subject'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.GENRE_TERM a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||GENRE_TERM|||Genre'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.PERSONAL_AUTHOR a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var myHREFStart = myHREF.match(/^.*qu=/g); var myHREFEnd = myHREF.match(/&.*/g); var newHREF = jQuery('#'+rId+'_'+personalAuthor+' .'+personalAuthor+'_value').text(); // var newHREF = jQuery('#'+rId+'_'+personalAuthor+' .'+personalAuthor+'_value').text(); newHREF = myHREFStart+newHREF+myHREFEnd+searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.CORPORATE_AUTHOR a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.CONFERENCE_AUTHOR a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.ADDED_AUTHOR a').each(function(i){ var authorCounter = ++i; var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var myHREFStart = myHREF.match(/^.*qu=/g); var myHREFEnd = myHREF.match(/&.*/g); var newHREF = jQuery('#'+rId+'_'+addedAuthor+' .'+addedAuthor+'_value:nth-child('+authorCounter+')').text().split('~#')[0]; newHREF = myHREFStart+newHREF+myHREFEnd+searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.ADDED_CONFERENCE_AUTHOR a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.ADDED_CORPORATE_AUTHOR a').each(function(){ var searchString = '&rt=false|||AUTHOR|||Author'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var newHREF = myHREF + searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); jQuery(selector).find('.displayElementText.SERIES a').each(function(j){ var seriesCounter = ++j; var searchString = '&rt=false|||SERIES|||Series'; var myHREF = jQuery(this).attr('href'); var myHREFStart = myHREF.match(/^.*qu=/g); var myHREFEnd = myHREF.match(/&.*/g); var newHREF = jQuery('#'+rId+'_'+series+' .'+series+'_value:nth-child('+seriesCounter+')').text(); newHREF = myHREFStart+newHREF+myHREFEnd+searchString; jQuery(this).attr('href', newHREF); }); } // End function
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192 Resultados encontrados