Setting up your Nose Cleaner is easy!
All you have to do is attach the Nasal Dock by pressingit into the Mechanical Module (Fig. 1). The Nose Cleaner comes completely assembled except for the Nasal Dock, and the two AA batteries are pre-installed.
Instructions for Use
1. Fill the Upper Tank to the Fill Line with warm water (Fig. 2). SeeCautions belowfor important safety information about water. 2. Place a new SaltPod capsule in the Crushing Chamber, foil-side down (Fig. 3). Please note, the device will not work without a new, unused SaltPod in the crushing chamber.3.Close the Lid firmly until you hear it click shut, and do not reopen it (Fig. 4). No peeking!4. Gently shake the device for a second or two to mix the SaltPod contents with the water in the Upper Tank.5. Run a little water over the Nose Pillows to make them easier to slip into your nostrils.6. Arrows on the Nasal Dock indicate the direction of flow (Fig. 5). Note that the rinse goes into the nose through one Nose Pillow, and out of the nose through the other.7. Locate the Power Button and firmly push the button all the way in. The pump will start and the Drain Valve will open, causing saline to flow from the Upper Tank into one nostril, around the back of the nose, and out the other nostril into the Lower Tank.The first few times, do this in front of a mirror and over a sink! Don’t worry, you’ll be a pro in no time!8. The 3 P's guarantee your success with Naväge:
Positioning:Insert the Nose Pillows into your nostrils and center them. Do not block the pillow tips against the nasal walls. The pillows should be in snug, but not too snug. The flexible pillow stems can be bent to obtain a centered, comfortable fit (Fig. 6). It’s essential to keep the Nose Pillow tips centered and unblocked.
Pressure: Press the pillows into your nose firmly enough to create a seal. Once the cycle starts, back off a little. This will increase the flow. If you are pushing too hard and one of the pillow tips gets blocked against the nasal wall, then the suction will decrease or stop, and you may get water down your throat, slow flow, or no flow at all.That’s why you should try backing off a little. Wiggling the nose pillows around inyour nostrils can also help improve the seal.
Posture: Relax… Keep your head level, look forward, stand up straight, and don’t bend over (Fig. 7). Breathe normally through your mouth.9.Nasal irrigation is safe and effective, and because it is all-natural and drug-free, you can do it as often as you wish. To get the hang of it quickly, we recommend using your Naväge several times in a row when you’re first learning.
10.Standard Nose Pillows fit the vast majority of Naväge users. However, if you are among those for whom the Standard Pillows aren’t quite right, Small and Extra-Large Nose Pillows are available for purchase here.
11.A Naväge cycle can last from 10 to 60 seconds depending on how congested you are, and on your personal anatomy. Most cycles last from 15 to 30 seconds. When the Upper Tank is empty, the cycle is complete.12.100% sinus blockage is rare, and nasal irrigation can help relieve even the most stuffed up sinuscondition. If you are completely congested and can’t breathe through your nose at all, see Tip #5 on our Troubleshooting page.13.When you’re finished, release the Power Button and remove the Nose Pillows from your nostrils. Most users will have a little saline left in their nose. Tilt your head forward and gently blow your nose.14. Twist off the Lower Tank and empty it. Clean your device following the instructions.
• Use only as indicated in these instructions or as directed by your physician.If you experience pain during use, stop immediately.
•Side effects from saline nasal irrigation are generally minor and resolve in a short period of time. These
include nasal burning, local irritation or pain, ear discomfort, ear fullness or popping, and nose bleeds. Side effects can often be avoided or reduced by making small changes in use. Go to the FAQs on navage.comor call the Naväge Customer Support Team at 800-203-6400 for help.
•WARNING: Do not use tap water unless sterilized by boiling. For your safety, only use water that is distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron), or previously boiled and cooled to lukewarm or body temperature, used promptly, for nasal irrigation. The US Centers for Disease Control provides detailed information about boiling, filtering, and disinfecting water for nasal irrigation at www.cdc.gov.
• Most people prefer to use warm water. Do not overheat the water. It should be lukewarm to the touch and not hotter than about 90° F or 32° C.
• Rinsing your nasal passages with plain, unsalted water will cause stinging and considerable discomfort.
• Consult your physician before use if you recently had ear or nose surgery.
• Nose bleeds are a rare but known side effect of saline nasal irrigation. Consult your physician if you experience a nose bleed after use.
• Do not use if your nasal passages are 100% blocked and you cannot breathe through either nostril.100% sinus blockage is rare, and nasal irrigation can help relieve even the most stuffed up sinus condition. See Troubleshooting Tip #5 on page 5 of the Owner’s Manual for more details.
• Do not use if you have an ear infection or if your ears are blocked.
• Ear popping and ear fullness are rare but known side effects of nasal irrigation that typically resolve on their own in a short time. Discontinue use and consult your physician if the condition persists.
•Microwaving the Naväge Nose Cleaner or its accessories can be dangerous and voids the warranty.
• Consult your physician if you are using the Naväge Nose Cleaner to relieve congestion due to a nasal illness and there is no improvement after use; or if your symptoms persist or worsen; or if you have apersistently thick and yellow or green discharge; or if skin at the base of the nostrils becomes raw or crusted.
• Terminate use if no saline appears in the lower tank after 60 seconds.
• Do not use continuously for longer than three minutes.
•To prevent cross infection between users, the Nasal Dock and Nose Pillows should not be shared. For households that would like to share the same Nose Cleaner, individual Nose Pillow-Nasal Dock Combos are available.
• Not for use by children under 12 years old.
• Clean the Nose Pillows and device after each use according to the cleaning instructions.
• Using the product with illegal drugs, alcohol, or prescription drugs except when prescribed by a physician is prohibited, may damage the device, voids the warranty, and may cause serious injury.
•Every individual is unique and experiences will vary. This product may not be right for you.