Navage Nasal Care | Frequently Asked Questions (2025)

  • About Naväge – How it Works
  • Naväge SaltPod Information
  • Will this help...
  • Insurance
  • Cleaning and Care
  • Order/Purchasing Information
  • Water Recommendation
  • Shipping and Tracking Information

About Naväge – How it Works

Check out the amazing 3D Animation which accurately illustrates how Naväge works! You can also view more detailed videos about Naväge Nasal Care and the process of nasal irrigation on our How-To Videos page.

In short, here's how Naväge works: In one nostril, around the back of the nose, and out the other nostril. For most people, this takes less than 30 seconds! This is made possible by gentle suction, powered by a precisely engineered, miniature diaphragm pump that draws the irrigant from the upper tank, through the nose, and into the lower tank.

Long version: Saline enters the nose through one nostril, flows to the back of one side of the nasal cavity, makes a U-turn at the posterior margin of the nasal septum (that's the gap between the rear edge of the nasal septum and the rear wall of the nasal cavity), flows back through the other side of the nasal cavity to the front of the nose, and then out the other nostril.

The beauty of Naväge is it's so easy to change the direction of flow, either from left-to-right or from right-to-left. The nasal dock rotates freely in both directions as shown in the picture below. When you rotate the nasal dock 180 degrees, the saline will flow in the opposite direction. This can make a significant difference with respect to the ease of flow and speed of an irrigation cycle. The direction that works easiest and fastest for you will depend on your own personal nasal anatomy.

We recommend that for best results you change the direction of flow on a regular basis. Even though most users find that Naväge flows faster in one direction than the other, the best practice is to reverse direction at least once a week.

Nasal irrigation is clinically proven to help:
Provide safe, non-drowsy, drug-free relief from allergies such as pollen, mold, dust, and pets;

Provide relief from sinus congestion, runny nose, sneezing, stuffiness, post nasal drip, sinus headaches, and itchy nose.

The bottom line: If you irrigate regularly you will rely less on other medications, make fewer trips to the doctor, breathe better through your nose, snore less, sleep deeper, and feel and be healthier. Clean Nose, Healthy Life™!

Always use one of these types of water:

  • Distilled
  • Micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron)
  • Commercially bottled; freshly opened
  • Previously boiled and cooled to lukewarm or body temperature; used promptly

Here are the published recommendations from the CDC regarding water used for nasal irrigation:CDC Guidance.

The Naväge Nose Cleaner is engineered so the “before-rinse” (clean saline) and the “after-rinse” (waste saline) never touch. This makes the risk of spreading germs from one user to another relatively low.

That said, the best practice hygienically is for each user to have his or her own device.

However, if you are intent on sharing a Naväge Nose Cleaner, you can greatly reduce the risk of spreading germs by each user having his or her ownNasal Dock-Nose Pillow Combo. The combo includes a Nasal Dock in your choice of white or teal, and a pair of Nose Pillows in your choice of standard, small, or extra-large. The combo is only $10.95, 27% less than if the items are purchased separately!

For reference, every Naväge Nose Cleaner includes one pair of Standard Nose Pillows which according to a customer survey taken earlier this year will accommodate over 80% of Naväge users. But not all noses are created equal…

Small Nose Pillowsare designed for children or individuals with very small noses;

Extra Large Nose Pillowsare designed for individuals with extremely large nostrils;

And again,Standard Nose Pillowsfit over 80% of Naväge users.

Yes, Naväge is a safe product to use. From time to time, news stories and other public attention is drawn to two potential risks associated with nasal irrigation devices when manufacturer and/or CDC instructions are not followed:

  • Bacteria concerns when the proper water is not used in the device
  • Bacteria and/or virus concerns when nasal irrigation devices are not properly cleaned after use.

To avoid these potential risks:

Always use water that is distilled, micro filtered (through 0.2 microns), commercially bottled (freshly opened) or previously boiled and cooled to lukewarm or body temperature, used promptly. Follow the published recommendations from the CDC regarding water used for nasal irrigation:CDC Guidance.

Properly clean the device after use so that viruses and bacteria from your nose are not transferred to the device and the germs are not given the opportunity to colonize and be reintroduced into the nose upon subsequent use.

If you use the device daily and rinse it thoroughly before and after use, the risk is quite small. If the device is properly cleaned after use, the risk can be eliminated completely.

Naväge Nose Cleaner rinsing instructions

Upper and lower tanks, nose pillows, and nasal dock.

These should be detached and washed after each use. Anti-bacterial dishwashing soap or diluted white vinegar (half-water, half-vinegar) are recommended cleaning agents.

Center module.Wipe the center module with a damp cloth. Do not immerse it; it is not water proof.

Crushing chamber lid (1 and 2). Rinse with hot water to melt away dried salt crystals.

Drain pull (3).Rinse by lifting the drain pull and running water through the upper tank drain.

The Naväge Nose Cleaner is not dishwasher safe. Exposing the tanks to dishwasher heat will warp them and prevent them from sealing to the center module. Cleaning the Nose Cleaner in a dishwasher voids the warranty.

A Naväge cycle can last from about 10 seconds to a minute, depending on personal anatomy and congestion. Most cycles last from 20 to 30 seconds. The cycle is complete when the upper tank is empty.

For persons with a deviated septum the irrigation cycle may take longer depending on how deviated the septum is. However, with practice and patience it will work!

Actually, you'll hardly feel anything during the irrigation cycle! Best of all, nasal irrigation provides the immediate benefit of a clean nose and relief from sinus congestion.

So why not take the Naväge Challenge: Use Naväge twice a day for two weeks and find out what improved nose-breathing and a clean nose can do for you! Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed by our 30-Day, Zero-Risk Trial, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

You can use the Naväge Nose Cleaner as often as you wish! We suggest you use Naväge twice a day, just like brushing your teeth. However, Naväge is completely natural and drug-free, and health professionals agree that it’s safe to use as often as needed or wanted.

We recommend that new users use Naväge twice a day for the first couple of weeks-once in the morning and again before bed. This will give you a very good idea of the benefits you can enjoy with daily nasal care. Ultimately, you will find your own level of use. It may be three times a day; it may be three times per week; it may be more in the winter or more during heavy pollen seasons. But in our experience, once a Naväge user masters the system (and for most people it doesn't take long at all-just a few irrigation cycles!) you will find the optimal level for yourself.

Best of all, because Naväge is affordable and easy to use, you can find out very quickly for yourself how Naväge will benefit you!

So why not take the Naväge Challenge:Use Naväge twice a day for two weeks and find out what improved nose-breathing and a clean nose can do for you! Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed by our 30-Day, Zero-Risk Trial, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Naväge SaltPod Information

Naväge SaltPod capsules contain two ingredients: salt and water. There are no drugs. The salt is pharmaceutical grade, containing over 99.99% sodium chloride with zero additives and fillers. (For comparison, table salt is about 98% sodium chloride and 2% additives, including iodine, sodium aluminosilicate, magnesium carbonate and other impurities.) The water is purified with carbon filtration, double deionization, ultra-violet (UV) sterilization, and a sub-micron finishing filter. The result is pure H2O.

You can Purchase Naväge SaltPod Capsuleshere.

Neither the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) nor the airlines impose limitations on traveling with theNavägeNose Cleaner. It can be packed in your carry-on or checked baggage.

The situation with SaltPod capsules is a little different. According to the TSA website, passengers may bring up to a quart-sized bag of liquids in a carry-on. The individual items must be in small containers that are each 3.4 ounces or less. According to TSA, "Placing these items in a small bag and separating them from your carry-on baggage facilitates the screening process. Pack items that are in containers larger than 3.4 ounces or 100 milliliters in checked baggage."

The good news is that each Naväge SaltPod contains one-quarter of an ounce (0.25 oz.) of saline concentrate, so you can carry on as many SaltPods as can be placed in a quart-sized Ziploc bag (it's a lot!). You can easily pack up to a dozen SaltPods and still have room for other liquids.

Even better, have you considered theNaväge Travel BagorNaväge Travel Case? They are designed to conveniently hold the Nose Cleaner and SaltPods, and to protect them from being damaged. These are a great way to travel with Naväge,come in an array of different colors and prints,and they are 100% TSA compliant for carry-on and checked baggage!

Purchase aNaväge Travel Caseor aNaväge Travel Bagtoday!

No, the Naväge Nose Cleaner requires a new, unused SaltPod capsule in its crushing chamber for each use. Correctly formulated saline is critically important to avoiding injury. Sensitive tissue lines the inside of the nose and exposing it to water that has no salt, too little salt, or too much salt will cause a painful burning sensation. Because the Naväge SaltPod capsule is precisely formulated, it instantly produces a perfectly balanced nasal rinse, every single time!

Will this help...

Theshort answeris that based on our experience and on feedback we've received from Naväge users, the Naväge system can work well and has been very beneficial to individuals with a deviated septum.

Here’s thelong answer. As you may know, the nasal septum is the thin, vertical wall of bone and cartilage that divides the inside of the nose in two. There is a gap between the back edge of the septum and the rear wall of the nose. The saline rinse flows through that gap when you irrigate, from left to right or from right to left, depending on how you've got the Naväge rotatable nasal dock positioned. Without that gap, nasal irrigation would not be possible!

Here's where it gets a little complicated. Human anatomy is not perfectly symmetrical, and the septum is rarely (if ever) perfectly smooth and straight from the front of the nose to the back. In other words, everyone's septum is “deviated” to some degree. If you've suffered an injury or multiple injuries, your septum could be very crooked or out-of-place ("deviated"). The important questions are:

  1. How deviated is it?
  2. How motivated is an individual to make nasal irrigation work?

The more your septum is crooked or out-of-place ("deviated"), the longer it may take to complete an irrigation cycle. With a severely deviated septum it could take a minute or two, and you may lose patience with the process. For most people, learning how to rinse your nose with Naväge is easy and fast, and a nasal irrigation cycle only takes from about 15 to 25 seconds. But for some people, especially if you have a severely deviated septum, it can take longer. We have a terrific customer service department to help out if you run into problems.

So why not take the Naväge Challenge: Use Naväge twice a day for two weeks and find out what improved nose-breathing and a clean nose can do for you! Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed by our30-Day, Zero-Risk Trial, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Let's clarify what happens during a nasal irrigation cycle to the four pairs of sinuses - frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and maxillary, and to the three pairs of nasal turbinates. As you probably know, the turbinates (or "nasal conchae") are the structures that expand and contract throughout the day creating periods of increased and decreased nasal congestion.

The primary way that nasal irrigation works is by mechanically flushing, cleansing, and moisturizing the nasal cavity with saline. This removes irritants such as allergens, micro-organisms, environmental pollutants, and dried mucus, and it helps prevent the turbinates from drying out, swelling/expanding, and causing congestion as a result.

With respect to the sinus cavities, nasal irrigation’s key benefit is to keep the tiny channels (ostia) that connect the sinuses to the nasal cavity open and unblocked, thus allowing the sinuses to freely drain into the nasal cavity. The nasal turbinates are in close proximity to these channels, and if the turbinates become swollen from allergens, pollutants, or dryness, they can also block and clog the channels, thus contributing to sinus disease. Nasal rinsing removes irritants on and around the turbinates and keeps them moisturized, and as a result, they become less swollen, which both relieves congestion and helps keep the channels unblocked and open. This is essential to good nasal health because it:

1. Helps the sinuses maintain their natural drainage process.The sinuses are lined with mucosa (also called the mucous membrane) which secrete mucus. The mucus is transported through the sinuses and nose by cilia, microscopic hairs that grow on the mucosal surface and move and push the mucus along. A healthy nasal-sinus system is one in which the mucus created in the sinuses can drain into the nasal cavity from which it ultimately travels into the stomach. This regular cycle of continuous mucus creation and drainage is essential to maintaining healthy cilia. Furthermore, mucus traps the various noxious materials that can cause sinus infections. Therefore, healthy cilia, proper drainage, and healthy nose and sinus membranes are essential to good nasal health.

2. Helps prevent the sinuses from becoming blocked and thus vulnerable to infection.When the sinus cavities are blocked and cannot drain properly, they can become sealed and isolated – efficient incubators in which viruses and bacteria can colonize and thrive. The blockage creates perfect conditions for the growth of micro-organisms that cause infections.

Please note:There is no clinical evidence that saline from nasal irrigation devices of any type consistently enters into and rinses inside the frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid sinus cavities. Nasal irrigation can and often does penetrate the maxillary sinuses with saline.

But the important point is thatit doesn’t matter.

What matters for maintaining good sinus health is that the tiny drain channels connecting the sinuses to the nasal cavity remain open and unblocked – so the mucus manufactured by the sinuses can drain into the nasal cavity and ultimately into the stomach, and not get trapped inside the sinus cavities. A closed, blocked sinus cavity that can't drain causes pressure to build up inside it, and it is a perfect incubator for infection and can also lead to sinus headaches. The good news is that there is significant clinical evidence that the tiny channels connecting the sinuses to the nasal cavity are rinsed clean by nasal irrigation – and this is one of nasal irrigation’s greatest benefits.

Dr. Howard Levine, a distinguished nasal sinus physician and RhinoSystem's Medical Director, is an internationally distinguished otolaryngologist with special expertise in nasal and sinus disorders. Dr. Levine is the former Headof the Section of Nasal and Sinus Disorders at the Cleveland Clinic and past president of the American Rhinologic Society. He has been recognized as one of Best Doctors In America for the past 30 years, and his resume can be foundhere.

He believes that Naväge's unique use of suction, which results in saline being pulled rather than pushed, the areas in the nose and adjacent to the drainage channels are more effectively rinsed, and mucus is more effectively drawn out of the sinuses as the saline rushes past their openings into the nasal cavity. This is an improvement over devices that use positive pressure to push the rinse through the past the entrances, as do, for example, the neti pot and nasal squeeze bottle. In fact, Dr. Levine believes it is possible that positive pressure devices could actually force material into the sinuses.

As you can see from the above explanation, the key benefit of nasal irrigation as a preventive practice is to significantly improve and enhance the body's ability to maintain its own sinus cleansing and drainage system – 100% naturally, without drugs. This becomes especially important for individuals with smaller than average channel openings because it is easier for those smaller openings to become blocked which prevents the sinuses from draining. As a result, improved nasal health is directly related to maintaining a clean, clear nose by removing stagnant irritants in and around the sinus drainage channels. The regular use of nasal irrigation mechanically removes those irritants in the same way that improved oral health is directly related to the regular brushing and flossing that removes particles from the teeth and gums.

Ultimately, the only sure way to know if Naväge will work for you is to try it, which is why we also suggest that you accept the Naväge® Challenge and find out for yourself.Purchase Naväge and use it twice a day for two weeks. Experience how clear nose-breathing and improved nasal hygiene can change your life.Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed by our 30-Day, Zero Risk Trial, so you have nothing to lose and a lifetime of better breathing to gain!

Naväge could be just the thing for you. We have many customers who have reported a reduction in post nasal drip, and according to Saline Nasal Irrigation in Canadian Family Physician, "Nasal irrigation is a simple, inexpensive treatment that relieves the symptoms of a variety of sinus and nasal conditions, reduces use of medical resources, and could help minimize antibiotic resistance."

Ultimately, the only sure way to know if Naväge will work for you is to try it, which is why we urge you to accept the Naväge Challenge and find out for yourself. Purchase Naväge and use it twice a day for two weeks. Experience how clear nose-breathing and improved nasal hygiene can change your life. Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed by our 30-Day, Zero-Risk Trial, so you have nothing to lose and a lifetime of better breathing to gain!

For individuals with a perforated septum, nasal irrigation can be challenging and sometimes impossible. Successful nasal irrigation requires your nasal cavity to be a closed system that allows the nose rinse to go in one nostril, around the back of the nose (there’s a gap between the back edge of your septum and the rear wall of the nasal cavity) and out the other nostril. When there is a hole in the septum, it can impede or prevent this from happening.

The above notwithstanding, Dr. Howard Levine, RhinoSystems’ Medical Director and a distinguished Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon, informs us that he has had several patients with perforated septums who have used Naväge® successfully and with great benefit. However, everyone’s personal anatomy is unique, and saline nasal irrigation may not work for you. If you have additional concerns, we recommend you discuss your use of Naväge with your personal physician to help determine if it is right for you.

Short answer:Yes, Naväge will moisten and moisturize the inside of your nose which will reduce or eliminate the congestion you're suffering and resolve other symptoms as well.

Long answer:The nasal cavity is lined with "turbinates", three to four in the left nasal cavity and three to four in the right for a total of six or eight turbinates. These turbinates are intended to moisten and humidify the air just before you breathe it into your lungs. The turbinates are made of tissue that can expand and contract in response to environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, allergens, dust, and pollution.

When the air we breathe is excessively dry (this is often the case in winter; at high elevations; in the desert; and in airplanes, among other causes), the turbinates automatically expand so that there is more moist surface area available for humidification. But often, the turbinates cannot keep up with the need to moisturize the nose. This results in congestion; being "completely stuffed up". It can also result in thicker mucous, bleeding, and even pain.

Our body's response is for the turbinates to expand even more, and overwork to make more mucous. This results in even less room in the nose and makes it still harder to breathe.

It's a real dilemma! Because everyone's nasal anatomy is different, some people have a lot more trouble with this dilemma than others.

The drug-free solution is to supplement the moisture the turbinates produce by rinsing and flushing the nasal cavity with saline. This keeps them from overworking and allows them to contract by keeping them moist. The most effective way to do this is through nasal irrigation. Moisturizing and flushing your nasal cavity a couple times a day with saline rinse will help relieve dryness and congestion. As this occurs, stuffiness is reduced almost immediately, and secondary symptoms such as irritation and bleeding resolve over time.

The Naväge system provides a wonderfully simple and effective way of doing that, and Naväge has helped countless people dealing with dry nasal passages. With the ease of returning the product for refund if it doesn't work for out for you, and the extraordinary benefits that result from improved nose-breathing if it does, we urge you to give it a try.

During nasal irrigation, saline rinse flows through the nasal cavity, and it is not ingested into the stomach. The rinse used in Naväge has the same amount of salt (0.9%) as in human blood and the moisture that forms on the mucous membranes. Without the use of saline (i.e., if you use plain water with no salt in it), nasal irrigation causes a painful, burning sensation, and it can injure the sensitive nasal passages. Because virtually zero salt is absorbed by the body during the nasal irrigation process, our Medical Director advises that nasal irrigation is safe for individuals who have high blood pressure or who must avoid sodium intake for other reasons.

Rinsing your nasal passages with saline solution – that is, salt water – helps reduce swollen and congested sinus passages. It also assists with flushing out thickened mucous, irritants like pollen, ragweed and smog, and bacteria and viruses from the nose and sinuses. There have been multiple studies from major universities finding that nasal rinsing can provide significant benefits for people with chronic nasal issues.

Rinsing your nasal passages with saline solution – that is, salt water – helps reduce swollen and congested sinus passages. It also assists with flushing out thickened mucous, irritants like pollen, ragweed and smog, and bacteria and viruses from the nose and sinuses. There have been multiple studies from major universities finding that nasal rinsing can provide significant benefits for people with chronic nasal issues.

Rinsing your nasal passages with saline solution – that is, salt water – helps reduce swollen and congested sinus passages. It also assists with flushing out thickened mucous, irritants like pollen, ragweed and smog, and bacteria and viruses from the nose and sinuses. There have been multiple studies from major universities finding that nasal rinsing can provide significant benefits for people with chronic nasal issues.

Naväge enthusiasts who use CPAP machines or suffer from sleep apnea have reported finding relief and excellent results using Naväge. Check out this 5-Star review from a satisfied Amazon customer:

"I purchased the Navage Nasal Irrigation Deluxe Bundle based on the experience of a friend and I love it! I use a CPAP machine and wake up with dry, irritated sinuses. I started using the Navage Nasal Irrigation System and I was amazed at how quickly I felt better. I can breathe more easily during the day and I can sleep more soundly through the night. Thank you!"

Amazon has a terrific SEARCH feature that can be used to search Naväge Reviews by keyword. There are three Naväge Bundles offered on Amazon, and there are over 4,000 independent reviews posted, with an average of 4.3 Stars out of 5.0. We urge you to search the reviews and see what verified Amazon customers have to say about their Naväge experiences. Here are a few more examples using the search word "CPAP".

You can read even more user reviews at and on Amazon to learn more about the personal experiences of other Naväge enthusiasts.

However, every individual is unique, and saline nasal irrigation is not right for everyone, so we recommend that you discuss your use of Naväge with your physician or health professional to help determine if it is right for you.

Most snoring is caused by sinus congestion that is in turn caused by dry air, dust, allergens, and germs. Our customers have reported that Navage Nasal Care can help with snoring by flushing the sinuses to remove obstructions and reduce swelling, allowing air to pass freely through the nose.

Here's how Naväge works: Saline enters the nose through one nostril, flows to the back of one side of the nasal cavity, makes a U-turn at the posterior margin of the nasal septum (that's the gap between the rear edge of the nasal septum and the rear wall of the nasal cavity), flows back through the other side of the nasal cavity to the front of the nose, and then out the other nostril. In short, in one nostril, around the back of the nose, and out the other nostril.

Numerous clinical trials indicate that if you irrigate regularly you will rely less on medications, make fewer trips to the doctor, breathe better through your nose, snore less, sleep deeper, and feel and be healthier.

But why not take the Naväge Challenge and find out for yourself? Use Naväge twice a day for two weeks and discover what improved nose-breathing and a clean nose can do for you! Your satisfaction is unconditionally guaranteed by our 30-Day, Zero-Risk Trial, so you have nothing to lose and a lifetime of better breathing to gain!

Enthusiastic Naväge users with a wide variety of sinus and nasal challenges have reported finding relief and excellent results using Naväge. Please see the product reviews on ourCustomer Reviewspage and onAmazon.comto learn more about the personal experiences of others.


To our knowledge, Medicaid does not cover Naväge. However, Medicaid rules and coverage change from time to time, and we recommend that you contact your assistance program provider for the most up-to-date and reliable information.

Even without insurance or medical assistance programs, Naväge costs as little as 33 cents per day. Better yet, Naväge is 100% natural and drug-free, and compared to the cost of allergy and sinus medicine the savings could be enormous!

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and PayPal as alternative forms of payment for any purchase made

To our knowledge, Medicare does not cover Naväge. However, Medicare rules and coverage change from time to time, and we recommend that you contact your assistance program provider for the most up-to-date and reliable information.

Even without insurance or medical assistance programs, Naväge costs as little as 36 cents per day. Better yet, Naväge is 100% natural and drug-free, and compared to the cost of allergy and sinus medicine the savings could be enormous!

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and PayPal as alternative forms of payment for any purchase made

According to the Internal Revenue Service, nasal irrigation systems qualify for inclusion in Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Savings Accounts (FSA/HSA) under Internal Revenue Code Section 213(d). The Naväge® Nose Cleaner and Naväge SaltPod 30-Packs are coded as health care products and they may be purchased with your FSA or HSA credit card.

FSA/HSA plans vary by the insurance provider and you may wish to check with your insurer to confirm that nasal irrigation is an included category under your plan. However, please be advised that we have not encountered any FSA/HSA insurance plans that do not include nasal irrigation systems, and we know that many Naväge enthusiasts use their FSA and HSA accounts to purchase Naväge products.

Cleaning and Care

Pro Tip: It's important to clean your Naväge Nose Cleaner after each use. When you rinse it, separate the parts (upper tank, mechanical module and lower tank), and use theCountertop Caddyto allow it to dry. This makes it very easy to keep your Naväge Nose Cleaner clean and fresh.

Upper and Lower Tanks:Detach and hand-wash after use with liquid soap.

Mechanical Module:Wipe the underside of the white Mechanical Module with a cloth dampened with liquid soap. The Mechanical Module is not waterproof. Do not immerse or rinse the underside with running water, as this can force water into the battery compartment and cause corrosion.

Drain Pipes, Nose Pillows, and Nasal Dock:Use the included Scrubber to thoroughly clean the inside surfaces of these parts. To clean the Drain Pipes, put a drop of liquid soap on the Scrubber and insert it as shown in Figures 10 and 11. To rinse, lift the Drain Pull (C in Fig. 9 above) and run hot water through the opening. To clean the Nose Pillows and Nasal Docks, detach them and follow the same cleaning steps.

Crushing Chamber Lid:See Fig. 9 and rinse areas A and B with hot water for 30 secondsto melt any salt crystals.

Let your Nose Cleaner dry completely between uses:Separate the Tanks, Nasal Dock, and Nose Pillows from the Mech Module, and place them in theTriple-Tier Countertop Caddyafter each use. This also helps prevent filmy buildups.

Deep cleaning:Spray parts with an anti-bacterial spray. Let sit 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly, but do not rinse underside of Mechanical Module.

The Naväge Nose Cleaner is not dishwasher safe.Exposing the tanks to high heat can warp them and prevent their sealing to the mechanical module. Running the Nose Cleaner through a dishwasher voids the warranty.

If you want to deep clean your Naväge Nose Cleaner quickly and easily with special cleaning tools, check out theNaväge Custom Cleaning Kit.

Rinsing and Cleaning Instructions:

Shop Here: Naväge Custom Cleaning Kit.

Regarding potential bacterial risks associated with irrigation devices, we are aware of two issues that receive public attention from time to time:

1.The extremely rare presence of a dangerous amoeba, Naegleria fowleri, in the water used to create the irrigant.To avoid exposure, always use water that is distilled, micro filtered (through 0.2 microns), commercially bottled (freshly opened) or previously boiled and cooled to lukewarm or body temperature, used promptly. Follow the published recommendations from the CDC regarding water used for nasal irrigation:CDC Guidance.

2.The buildup of bacteria and viruses in nasal irrigation devices caused by the failure to properly clean the device after use.The underlying problem is that viruses and bacteria from your nose may be transferred to the device, under the right circumstances of temperature and humidity, the germs may colonize and then be reintroduced into the nose upon subsequent use. If you use the device daily and rinse it thoroughly before and after use, the risk is quite small. If the device is properly cleaned after use, the risk can be eliminated completely.

Complete Naväge Nose Cleaner cleaning instructions can be viewed here.

By following the cleaning instructions above, the risk of bacteria building up in the Nose Cleaner can for all practical purposes be eliminated.

Order/Purchasing Information

We do not have the ability to process a check or money order at this time. However, we recommend purchasing a prepaid debit card to make your purchase. Prepaid debit cards can be found at most major retail locations.

Once you have obtained your prepaid debit card you can place your order online at or by calling (800) 931-7828.

We do not have a payment option available at this time. However, the Naväge Nose Cleaner is available in three bundles that are designed to provide savings and make purchasing easy for first time buyers: the Starter Bundle, the Essentials Bundle, and The Deluxe Bundle!

The Deluxe Bundle comes with the Naväge Nose Cleaner, 20 SaltPods, a Triple-Tier Countertop Caddy, and a Travel Bag (available in seven cool colors) for only $114.95.

The Essentials Bundle comes with the Naväge Nose Cleaner, 20 SaltPods, and a Triple-Tier Countertop Caddy and is $107.95.

The Starter Bundle comes with the Naväge Nose Cleaner and 20 SaltPods and is $99.95.

We would be delighted to help you place your order by phone at (800) 931-7828.

The Naväge Nose Cleaner is covered by a one-year parts and labor warranty. We will repair or replace any product that malfunctions due to a manufacturing defect within a year of purchase. For service, contact us, or call (800) 203-6400. Please note that the Naväge Nose Cleaner is not water-proof. The limited warranty does not cover damage caused by:

  • Placing the Nose Cleaner in a dishwasher or microwave;
  • Using the Nose Cleaner without an unused, genuine Naväge SaltPod capsule;
  • The use of harmful additives such as tea tree oil that can cause irreparable damage to plastic;
  • Submerging the Nose Cleaner in water;
  • Not fully tightening the screws on the battery door;
  • Product abuse, dropping, and other accidents

Water Recommendation

Important information about water:

Always use one of these types of water:

  • Distilled
  • Micro-filtered (through 0.2 micron)
  • Commercially bottled; freshly opened
  • Previously boiled and cooled to lukewarm or body temperature; used promptly

Here are the published recommendations from the CDC regarding water used for nasal irrigation:CDC Guidance.

New User Water Tip

Most users prefer to warm their water prior to use. If you do this, do not overheat the water. It should be lukewarm to the touch and not hotter than about 85°– 90°F (29°– 32°C).

Shipping and Tracking Information

We use a FedEx shipping option called “FedEx SmartPost” which is a hybrid between FedEx and the US Postal Service. In short, FedEx is responsible for everything except the “last mile”. That is, FedEx picks up from us, sorts, and ships to the local Post Office that serves your personal address. Then USPS takes it from your Post Office to you.

It’s actually an excellent option because it’s efficient and inexpensive, and since FedEx partners with the local Post Office on the SmartPost option and a SmartPost package goes to the Post Office first, a FedEx SmartPost package CAN be delivered to a USPS P.O. Box.

For detailed information on shipping, please see ourShipping page.

We apologize if you didn't receive your tracking information. Despite our best efforts, these emails occasionally get lost in cyber space or end up in junk email folders.

We would be delighted to provide you with your tracking number. Please contact Customer Support by calling (800) 203-6400 or email

For detailed information on shipping, please see our Shipping page.

We deeply regret the misunderstanding about shipping dates, and that you did not receive your order as you expected. We’d like to explain the situation, but with the express understanding that our goal is to resolve this situation to your satisfaction.

FedEx Standard Overnight orders require one business day for delivery, not counting the day we receive your order.

FedEx Standard Overnight orders that we receive before 12:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday-Friday, will be shipped the same day it is received. An order that is received after 12:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday-Friday, will be shipped the next business day.

Here is the definition of a business day used for “Overnight” delivery as described on the FedEx website: Monday–Friday, with Saturday pickup and delivery available in many areas for an additional charge.

Here are a couple of examples of how FedEx applies their definition:

  • Example 1, FedEx Standard Overnight:If a package is shipped FedEx Standard Overnight on Monday, it will be delivered on Tuesday.
  • Example 2, FedEx Standard Overnight:If a package is shipped FedEx Standard Overnight on Friday, it will be delivered on Monday.

All that said, we genuinely understand (and share) your frustration, and we sympathize. For additional assistance please call Customer Support at (800) 203-6400 or email us

We deeply regret the misunderstanding about shipping dates, and that you have not received your order as you expected.

  • For FedEx 2Day delivery, FedEx promises delivery in 2 business days by 4:30 p.m. to business addresses and 8:00 p.m. to residences.
  • FedEx 2Day orders require two business days for delivery, not counting the day the we receive your order.
  • FedEx 2Day orders that we receive before 12:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday-Friday, will be shipped the same day it is received. An order that is received after 12:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday-Friday, will be shipped the next business day.

For purposes of FedEx 2Day, here is how FedEx defines a business day: "Monday-Friday, with Saturday pickup and delivery available in many areas for an additional charge." Click here for a link to the FedEx 2Day delivery webpage.Here are a couple of examples of how FedEx applies their definition:

  • Example 1. If a package is shipped FedEx 2Day on Monday, it will be delivered on Wednesday. (FedEx does not count the day a package is shipped as one of the two days.)
  • Example 2. If a package is shipped FedEx 2Day on Friday, it will be delivered on Tuesday. (FedEx does not count the day a package is shipped as one of the two days.)

All that said, we genuinely understand (and share) your frustration, and we sympathize. For additional assistance please call Customer Support at (800) 203-6400 or email us

Based on significant shipping experience, we’ve found that more than half of the packages believed to be lost or stolen eventually show up. Usually they were delivered to a neighbor, or sometimes left at another location on the recipient’s property. Please check with your neighbors or alternative locations that the delivery person may have left your package.

If you're unable to find your package after further investigation, we'll open a stolen package claim for you. You can start this process by calling Naväge Customer Service at (800) 203-6400.

We will need to open a trace on your package if the reason for delay is not clear. Please call Customer Support by calling (800) 203-6400 or

Navage Nasal Care | Frequently Asked Questions (2025)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.